
移动ye advances automotive autonomy with 微米 memory and storage solutions

Donato比安科 | February 2022

现在是晚上11点.m. and I’m driving my family home from a party. 我的两个孩子,13岁的萨拉和14岁的弗朗西斯科,在座位上睡着了. As I see them dreaming in the rearview mirror, I feel myself become more attentive, as if instinctively driven by my sense of protection and responsibility. Nobody in the car realizes it.

作为司机, 我知道我有一些车载高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)的支持。, giving me greater confidence behind the wheel. This increases my sense of safety and peace of mind.

当我回想起在我的驾驶经历中对我来说最重要的是什么——保护我的家人的安全, 我热切期待更高级别的ADAS系统和能够实现真正自主的车辆的出现. 移动ye®最近宣布采用美光内存和存储解决方案的系统, demonstrates just how close we are to major paradigm shifts in how we drive.

Preview the future of autonomy with 移动ye

Current cars with ADAS have sensing capabilities that exceed human perception, 例如,识别道路上看不见的物体,并触发自动紧急制动(AEB),可能比人类驾驶员更快、更持久. 多年来, 汽车行业已经提供了用于1级自动驾驶的ADAS(辅助个人驾驶任务), such as acceleration) and level 2 (assistance with combined driving tasks, 如加速和转向),仍然依赖于司机负责控制车辆.

然而, 更复杂的ADAS功能可以实现更广泛的用途,从而提供更多的机会来支持驾驶员履行控制汽车的责任. 经过多年的发展,ADAS支持了车辆的更多方面的操作, we’re now looking ahead from ADAS to autonomous vehicles. 我们看到了令人兴奋的进步,甚至在通往更高级别自动驾驶功能的道路上取得了重大飞跃.

During the 2021 IAA Mobility show held in September, 移动ye revealed its new self-driving robotaxi where the 移动ye sensor and compute infrastructure is the car’s primary driver. The system is an impactful example of how the future of automotive is shifting. The machine, not the person, will be at the center of driving the vehicle.

mobileye written on a device

What it takes to deliver leading edge autonomous capabilities

自动驾驶汽车的计算基础设施可以完成四种类型的任务:从各种传感器(摄像头)获取数据, 激光雷达, 雷达, 等.), convert that raw data into a mathematical model of its environment, 对车辆将采取的路径做出战略决策,然后通过调整转向来执行这些决策, braking and motor commands.

This is much easier said than done, 由于更高级别的自动驾驶能力需要更多的传感器和更高的计算性能来感知车辆周围的情况,然后根据这些数据做出决策. Similarly to other mission-critical intelligent edge 应用程序, autonomous driving can be achieved only by positioning artificial intelligence capabilities 更接近生成数据的位置,以减轻将数据发送到云所造成的延迟——在这种情况下, processing data within the vehicle itself. 实现这些功能对汽车计算、内存和存储基础设施提出了新的要求, 要求:

  • High data throughput with low power consumption
  • Small data package size
  • 有竞争力的成本
  • 汽车-qualified solutions
  • Ability to withstand the rigors of automotive use environments

换句话说, achieving autonomy requires memory and storage solutions that 微米 has a unique, three-decade long commitment to providing.

微米 provides our partners with the compute foundation for autonomous driving

移动ye supports autonomy requirements through its 移动ye驱动™ self-driving system includes the core advanced hardware AVKIT58. AVKIT58 features 8 EyeQ™ 5H SoCs that collect data from 13 cameras, nine 激光雷达1 units and six radar units.


  • 128Mb Quad SPI NOR Flash and 512Mb Xccela NOR Flash - Typically used for reliable storage of boot code, 由于快速随机读取性能和低引脚数,NOR闪存通常是嵌入式系统的最佳内存选择, the latter reducing development cost and the part’s physical footprint. Lauded for its rapid boot 表演, Xccela闪存用于需要在启动后几百毫秒就准备好计算硬件的应用程序.
  • 16Gb和32Gb LPDDR4 -美光LPDDR4汽车级解决方案为感知操作和数据融合等高级功能提供内存带宽,同时每传输比特消耗的能量比其前身更少2. 微米, within its automotive-grade portfolio, 致力于为这些解决方案提供长期支持,并能够在更大的温度范围内运行, 这使得这些设备成为像移动ye这样的汽车应用的绝佳选择.
  • 256 gb固态硬盘 – 汽车 应用程序 like navigation, 3D高清地图和数据记录(黑盒子)需要高密度的存储解决方案,以抵抗冲击和振动, support extended temperature ranges and provide data protection capabilities while still providing excellent sequential read/write 表演. 微米 solutions like those selected by 移动ye fit the bill.

像移动ye这样的汽车创新者之所以选择美光,是因为我们为汽车行业打造的领先的汽车级内存和存储解决方案组合展示了一种汽车思维, 汽车思维根植于我们30年来在汽车行业的领导地位, and our deep investments in industry-wide technical collaborations and resources, such as our 13 global customer labs. 美光将继续致力于该行业,提供广泛的汽车级DRAM沙巴体育结算平台组合, NAND- and NOR-based solutions addressing stringent requirements on safety, 表演, 质量, longevity and innovation.

移动ye 部署计划 该公司的自动驾驶出租车将于2022年在特拉维夫和慕尼黑开始提供商业无人驾驶服务, operating under the MoovitAV service branding.


微米 is grateful to have worked closely with 移动ye for several years, helping achieve the compute capabilities that their solutions require. 移动ye致力于开发自动驾驶功能,为更安全的交通提供可能, less congested roads and improved fuel efficiency, they will bring a tangible and positive impact on our society and economy.

微米’s work with 移动ye is a reminder that 微米’s DRAM-, 基于NAND和nor的内存和存储解决方案为我们客户的自动驾驶汽车系统提供了支持,并有助于实现更大的社会效益,减少人为错误,并有助于确保彼此在道路上更安全. In the future when we are all driving autonomous vehicles, 我期待着我的内心更平静,我的孩子们也能有更平静的梦想.

1. Sensors that work on the same principle as radar but using light from lasers.

2. Data derived from comparing LPDDR4 data sheet to predecessor.

Sr. Ecosystem Enablement Manager


Attracted to technology since the era of 300 baud modems, Donato比安科致力于推动和发展与EMEA生态系统合作伙伴的业务. 他努力在个人和职业生活中积极影响我们的社区和环境条件. Donato holds a master’s degree in electronics.