

比尔·伦道夫| 2021年6月

数据中心正在发展以解决存储方面的挑战, 快速有效地移动和分析数据. 在很大程度上, this evolution is being driven by the four high-performance application trends shown in the image below.

Traditional gaming and professional visualization are primarily in the domain of the PC and satisfied by innovations in fast GDDR memory. But with artificial intelligence (AI) training and inference and with high-performance computing, 我们看到对最快内存的使用增加了, 高带宽存储器(HBM), 在数据中心. Application architects in these segments must find the maximum bandwidth possible.

让我们花点时间想想为什么. 当然是数据! 而且很多!


数据的增长正在加速. 根据 IDC《沙巴体育安卓版下载》, 2018年的数据总量为36zb, which grew to 64 zettabytes of data in 2020 and will continue to grow to 146 zettabytes in 2024.

Large amounts of data are integral to AI, deep learning and machine learning performance. AI is a game changer for delivering intelligence that can lead to new insights beyond human-driven discovery. 而不是编程计算基础设施, we can now train it with volumes of data to reach further than ever before, 包括智能农业等领域, 个性化教育和精准医疗.

At 微米, we’re delivering new technologies such as GDDR and HBM as part of our Ultra-Bandwidth解决方案 为分析引擎提供燃料,并帮助训练下一波人工智能算法. 例如,一个AI模型有超过1.3 billion parameters cannot fit into a single GPU (even one with 32GB of memory). So, expanding memory capacity enables larger model sizes/more parameters to reside closer to the core compute. By increasing bandwidth and capacity and reducing latency across memory and storage solutions, we are speeding time to insight and helping our customers uncover increased competitive advantage.


应对数据密集型工作负载和应用程序的增长, 发展的用例和新的业务机会, 数据中心基础设施正在被重新定义. 数据中心传统上是以cpu为中心的. Data was processed using memory (such as DDR4) and storage (such as 固态硬盘s). 随着人工智能等现代用例和工作负载的出现, this traditional architecture has proven to be a bottleneck to keeping the CPUs fed at the high-performance rates needed.

解决这一日益扩大的绩效差距, dedicated hardware is now being used to off-load some functions of the CPU. This new accelerator-based compute model is becoming central to the evolution of the heterogeneous data center. The process of reallocation in modern data centers deploys a variety of components that focus on specific functionality or on the high variability of data types and formats, thereby dramatically increasing the speed and performance of the entire system.

对于那些使用DDR4(很快会有DDR5)计算内存的传统cpu, 我们现在添加gpu来加速, 以及用于其他功能的fpga和asic. 现代数据中心可能会使用这些不同的计算功能, and also using different types of memory becomes integral to achieving the high performance needed to address a wide range of workloads.

That’s why HBM was introduced – it is driving performance to new levels. 微米HBM2E, 最新一代HBM和我们最快的DRAM, 是向客户提供更好见解的关键.

For more on 微米’s new HBM2E memory, watch the video, “美光HBM2E:性能就是一切”


微米 is leading the market with evolved memory solutions to support the demanding and dynamic requirements of ever-growing market 应用程序 that are changing our world.

HBM2E uses through-silicon via (TSV) channels to create a vertically stacked DRAM. (详情请查看我们的技术简报。”集成和操作HBM2E存储器.”) 微米 has been re搜索ing and developing stacked DRAM for 20 years, 在这个过程中产生了数千项专利. (“堆叠硅奇迹以R开头&人民党领导人阿克谢·辛格报道.在我们对堆叠DRAM创新的探索中, we intend to develop new products that satisfy the high-performance and low-power demands of more data-intensive workloads.


We vertically stack DRAM for HBM2E and connect the layers with through-silicon via (TSV) channels.

高带宽内存 was architected to address industry gaps in bandwidth, power and form factor. It is now the industry standard memory solution for AI and used extensively in the data center. HBM2E is the third standard of the HBM product family: HBM1, HBM2 and now HBM2E. HBM2E提供了一个非常广泛的, 多通道I/O是1,024位宽-并且具有非常短的物理通道. 从本质上讲,它以很小的占用空间提供了极高的内存密度.

HBM2E位于非常靠近GPU或CPU的中介器上, 通常被封装在相同的包装或散热外壳内. 具有宽I/O总线和增加的密度, HBM2E provides the high performance and power efficiency required for the accelerator-based compute model of the modern data center.

For a side-by-side comparison of the data center accelerator memory portfolio and the high-performance memories we offer, 请查看我们白皮书中的表1, “对超带宽解决方案的需求.“我们对增强的I/O性能感到兴奋, bandwidth and power efficiency in HBM2E that make it a cornerstone of our Ultra-Bandwidth解决方案 portfolio.


As the demands of high-performance 应用程序 drive the evolution of next-generation system architectures and the heterogeneous data center, HBM2E memory and our Ultra-Bandwidth解决方案 are delivering the critical memory and advanced system performance to transform data into insights. 在网上找到我们 微米.com/hbm2e.



比尔兰多夫 drives business development as a director in 微米’s global graphics memory business. His responsibilities include growing 微米’s partner base and focusing on 微米’s broad portfolio of high-speed memory solutions that serve the game console and high-end graphics market.

Bill has more than 10 years of experience at 微米 and has held a variety of roles in both Ecosystem Enablement and 消费者/Graphics Business Development. 自1990年以来,他一直在DRAM行业工作, 此前曾与三菱和奇梦达合作, 在设计, 开发中心的管理和销售. 他得了B.S. 在佛罗里达州立大学获得电气工程硕士学位.S. 佐治亚理工学院电气工程专业毕业.