

安德鲁·伯恩斯| 2023年2月

沙巴体育结算平台化的解决方案, 我们可以更快地发现, 为关键项目提供资金和规模,以实现可持续发展目标.




There’s good reason why VCs don’t give industrial decarbonization its fair shake. 我们可以用两个词来概括——遗留系统.


过程方法, 过程工具, 治理系统, water treatment — all these things already exist and are built into the operating model for any industrial operator.


Approaching industrial customers with new methods to make entrenched legacy systems more sustainable is a tall order for young companies, 有真正的技术和进入市场的时间障碍. 成功并非不可能,但它确实需要一些东西:

  • Increased risk tolerance for industrial operators and subject matter experts.
  • \n
  • Alignment across organizations to ensure startup programs scale successfully.
  • \n

我们的项目是专门为减少这些进入壁垒而设计的, providing companies with visibility for new technologies across the organization — from subject matter experts to purchasing to executives. 这个过程需要大量的工作和协调, 但随着人们对可持续发展的兴趣日益浓厚, we are able to align interests to accelerate the steps necessary to scale effective solutions.


不仅仅是美光. 通过这个项目, 参与的公司,比如英特尔, 应用材料, 三星, Lam Re搜索 and others — gain similar visibility into challenges across the semiconductor ecosystem.




Technology innovation is a key component (let’s be real: it’s a requirement) of global sustainability, but the biggest driver of sustainability adoption to date has been government regulation and incentives.


也就是说, 事实证明,政府对温室气体排放的监管相对棘手, 而执行这些规定往往更加棘手.


However, climate change is an existential threat to human economies and life. The biggest companies and groups in the world driving these economies are now alert to the threats of climate change and understand that —without climate action right now — economic and societal models are threatened.


In 2020, 美光宣布了其第一个可持续发展目标, 包括到2030年减少42%的温室气体排放,到2050年实现净零运营. These targets were not driven by policy; they were driven by executive will and customer demand. 谷歌, 微软, 亚马逊, Apple and indeed all the major technology companies on Earth are making aggressive climate pledges, 对他们自己和他们的供应链都是如此, 专注于半导体制造和应用.


We believe industrial decarbonization is one of the biggest global market opportunities over the next three decades. And we’re in a position to add significant value to accelerate scaling of new sustainable technologies across our operations.


随着投资者, we’re hungry to identify and invest in the top startups pushing industrial decarbonization. 如果这是您和您的公司,我们期待着与您见面!


看到 投资未来|美光2022年可持续发展报告


参见startup for Semiconductor 可持续性 | SEMI

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Corporate venture funds have outsized role to play in accelerating new sustainability innovation

Climate change is a pressing global concern affecting society and 微米’s operating locations, 水的可用性, 供应链与市场. 因为半导体制造是能源和排放密集型的, we have set aggressive targets to reduce our impacts on climate change (including reducing greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions from our global operations by 42% by 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions in our operations and purchased energy by 2050).

微米 is doing a lot of work to meet these goals and manage risks associated with climate change, including constructing energy- and water-efficient LEED Gold Standard buildings and identifying lower-emitting alternative manufacturing process chemistries. 我们需要继续寻找新的解决方案.

这些并不总是在美光内部产生, 但我们公司仍然可以识别和协助他们的发展. 有前途的第三方解决方案可能需要扩展才能变得可行, and they could reduce the climate impact not just of 微米 but also of the entire semiconductor industry.

In 2021, 微米 合资企业 — together with other corporate venture capital (CVC) teams of major players in the semiconductor ecosystem — launched a mentorship program and pitch event called 半导体可持续发展的创业公司 目标是将解决方案更快地推向市场. 该计划有四个主要目标:

  1. Bring together a bunch of CVCs across the semiconductor industry to create a critical mass of outreach to the startup community.
  2. Jointly approach the startup community with shared problem statements for the sustainability challenges of our industry.
  3. Connect compelling startup teams and solutions with industry experts to help with productization, 去市场, 筹款, 客户介绍和更多.
  4. 驱动能见度, investment and proof-of-concept activity for new sustainability tech in semiconductor operations.

第一轮是一个原型-与优秀 结果! We made some improvements based on our experiences and feedback from participating startups, 我们很高兴推出第二轮. 申请程序现已开放!


的见解 普华永道气候技术状况报告2022 说明投资如何流入与可持续性有关的活动. In short, sustainability as a whole is super hot, representing more than 25% of VC activity in 2022.

从我的角度来看,就是, as a CVC looking to invest in startups that can move the needle for decarbonizing the semiconductor industry), 以下是报告中最重要的数据:

  1. 85% of the global emissions receive 52% of the global climate tech venture investment.
  2. 工业排放占人为温室气体排放的34%, yet startups that focus on industrial decarbonization receive only 9% of the VC money aimed at reducing GHG emissions.


Industrial decarbonization — rebuilding humanity’s industrial processes in ways that avoid GHG emissions — is a multi-trillion-dollar transition that will take place over the coming decades, 然而,就其影响力而言,它是迄今为止服务最不足的风投类别.

This gap in support of industrial decarbonization is a massive opportunity for investors and innovators alike. 通过关注问题陈述和沙巴体育结算平台化的解决方案, 我们可以更快地发现, 为关键项目提供资金和规模,以实现可持续发展目标.


There’s good reason why VCs don’t give industrial decarbonization its fair shake. 我们可以用两个词来概括——遗留系统.

过程方法, 过程工具, 治理系统, water treatment — all these things already exist and are built into the operating model for any industrial operator.

Approaching industrial customers with new methods to make entrenched legacy systems more sustainable is a tall order for young companies, 有真正的技术和进入市场的时间障碍. 成功并非不可能,但它确实需要一些东西:

  • Increased risk tolerance for industrial operators and subject matter experts.
  • Alignment across organizations to ensure startup programs scale successfully.

我们的项目是专门为减少这些进入壁垒而设计的, providing companies with visibility for new technologies across the organization — from subject matter experts to purchasing to executives. 这个过程需要大量的工作和协调, 但随着人们对可持续发展的兴趣日益浓厚, we are able to align interests to accelerate the steps necessary to scale effective solutions.

不仅仅是美光. 通过这个项目, 参与的公司,比如英特尔, 应用材料, 三星, Lam Re搜索 and others — gain similar visibility into challenges across the semiconductor ecosystem.


Technology innovation is a key component (let’s be real: it’s a requirement) of global sustainability, but the biggest driver of sustainability adoption to date has been government regulation and incentives.

也就是说, 事实证明,政府对温室气体排放的监管相对棘手, 而执行这些规定往往更加棘手.

However, climate change is an existential threat to human economies and life. The biggest companies and groups in the world driving these economies are now alert to the threats of climate change and understand that —without climate action right now — economic and societal models are threatened.

In 2020, 美光宣布了其第一个可持续发展目标, 包括到2030年减少42%的温室气体排放,到2050年实现净零运营. These targets were not driven by policy; they were driven by executive will and customer demand. 谷歌, 微软, 亚马逊, Apple and indeed all the major technology companies on Earth are making aggressive climate pledges, 对他们自己和他们的供应链都是如此, 专注于半导体制造和应用.

We believe industrial decarbonization is one of the biggest global market opportunities over the next three decades. And we’re in a position to add significant value to accelerate scaling of new sustainable technologies across our operations.

随着投资者, we’re hungry to identify and invest in the top startups pushing industrial decarbonization. 如果这是您和您的公司,我们期待着与您见面!

看到 投资未来|美光2022年可持续发展报告

参见startup for Semiconductor 可持续性 | SEMI



安迪就职于美光的人工智能基金,投资一些世界顶级初创公司. 他是一个正在恢复的创业公司创始人, 作家, 太阳能/电池材料怪胎, 当他不考虑技术创新和创业的时候, 他可能在跑步或者和他的孩子们做些奇怪的事. 而且他很喜欢用"年轻人"这样的词.”