

赛义德欧那密 | March 2023

Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day got me thinking about allyship – why I am an ally and what it means. Although we often use this word as a noun, “ally” can also be a verb. And that’s the way I view it — as an act. As an ally, I want to be active and supportive. Allyship is not just a nice thought. It means doing something, together, for what is right and just.

微米’s first employee resource group (ERG) was the Women’s 领导 Network (MWLN). When the ERG was forming, I took interest. 我加入了. There is a wide gender gap in the technology industry. I saw this as my opportunity to take some action. I always knew that diversity has a demonstrated business benefit. When we allow different ideas from different perspectives to be batted around in an equal opportunity setting, we foster innovation! We thrive and create something beyond any individual imagination.

Since I began attending the MWLN’s brown bag lunch meetings, I have learned about the challenges facing women in the workplace and ways I could better support my women colleagues. I have also learned from these leaders about the art of caring!

Many women have been leading the MWLN work both inside and outside 微米, and I have seen their great work in mentoring, 支持, 听, lending a hand and driving positive change throughout the community. These observations have strengthened my resolve to be a better ally — and I am grateful for that.

I’ve been a part of the 微米 Women’s 领导 Network since the beginning, and we are now at 17 chapters globally. It’s been a great experience.

Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned. I want to share them with you so we can create new and positive stories:

  • Ask questions and seek insight.
  • Collaborate on projects.
  • Make sure voices are heard.
  • Endorse ideas in group settings.
  • Give credit for ideas.
  • Share good work with other colleagues.
  • 提倡

Now, I challenge you to act for what’s right and not just for Women’s History Month. Turn your allyship into a verb to advocate for the women you know. On your social media platforms, @mention a 微米 woman who inspires you. Be supportive, be kind, and care! Happy Women’s History Month.

Sr Manager, RBA 合规


I was born in Tehran, Iran, and moved to U.S. to attend college. 大学毕业后, 我加入了 HP as a mechanical engineer and worked in a great environment that welcomed diversity. I got involved with diversity work very early in my career and continue to advocate for diversity and 包容.