

威廉·斯塔福德| 2023年6月首次出版,2024年6月更新

更新:去年,我们庆祝了动态随机存取记忆体发明55周年. 今天, 庆祝成立56周年, we reflect on technological advancements that the invention spurred and honor the 内存 and lasting influence of Mr. Dennard. 


罗伯特Dennard, 一位有影响力的美国电气工程师, invented the one-transistor 内存 cell for dynamic random-access 内存 (动态随机存取记忆体) in 1966. 他的工作奠定了现代电子存储器的基础. Dennard还贡献了MOSFET的缩放定律,也被称为 Dennard扩展, critical for integrated circuit miniaturization and performance enhancement. He received prestigious awards, including the IEEE Medal of Honor and the Kyoto Prize. 登纳德于2024年4月去世,享年91岁, 在电气工程和计算机技术方面留下了宝贵的遗产. 

沙巴体育结算平台, 1987年出现了1mb的动态随机存取记忆体.

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1966年是很久以前的事了. 披头士乐队发行了《沙巴体育结算平台》. 无. 第一部电影是 好,坏,丑. 而计算机,就像它们一样,涉及纸带和穿孔读卡器.

同年,罗伯特Dennard发明了动态随机存取存储器(动态随机存取记忆体)。. Two years later — 55 years ago —on June 4, 1968, the 动态随机存取记忆体 patent was granted. 剩下的就是历史了.

开发技术, Dennard led a re搜索 team at IBM that experimented with binary data on a capacitor as a positive or negative charge. 因为电容器漏了电荷, Dennard invented a platform where everything was handled by a single transistor, 大大减小了尺寸.

随机存取存储器(RAM), 使用临时存储器, 在当时被广泛使用, 但是很复杂, 体积庞大,耗电巨大. 大型磁存储系统需要房间大小的设备, 而存储的信息只有1兆字节. Dennard’s idea was to shrink the next generation of magnetic 内存 to a 25-centimeter square. 诀窍是将RAM压缩成一个晶体管. 突然之间,一台计算机可以在一个芯片上容纳10亿个RAM单元.

第一个内存芯片1103于1970年发布. 两年后, it bypassed magnetic core 内存 and became the best-selling semiconductor 内存 chip in the world. 到20世纪70年代中期,这已成为标准.

在一个 最近的IBM致敬 对Dennard, they describe the shock waves from the discovery: “Over the next five-and-a-half decades 动态随机存取记忆体 would, 一代又一代, 进化...动态随机存取记忆体存储器不仅扫除了早期的磁性技术, it became the foundational technology for an industry that has reshaped human society — from the way we work, 我们娱乐自己的方式,甚至我们打仗的方式.”

今天, 动态随机存取记忆体组件 以及各种技术(如DDR)中的模块, LPDDR, GDDR, HBM)和外形因素(组件), UDIMMs, SODIMM, RDIMM等.) are pervasive from smartphones to cloud 服务器, powering the global economy.

我们都很熟悉 摩尔定律,登纳德缩放 takes that concept into a deeper technical meaning — the idea that with each generation, 你可以把晶体管的面积缩小一半, 同时将工作频率(时钟速度)提高40%. 除了, transistors would become cheaper and more numerous in a given space yet keep power consumption constant (for twice the number of transistors).

登纳德甚至看到了摩尔定律和登纳德缩放定律的最终终结. IBM同事, 拉斯•兰格, remembers it 清晰的ly: “Bob and I would always have lively discussions about whether there was going to be an end to the scaling. 他会说,‘是的,缩放是有终结的. 但是创造力是没有尽头的.’”

By 1981, 微米 exploded onto the 动态随机存取记忆体 landscape, shipping the first 64K 动态随机存取记忆体 product. 这是我们在动态随机存取记忆体和NAND领域强大领导地位的诞生. 三年后,我们发布了世界上最小的256K 动态随机存取记忆体沙巴体育结算平台, 1987年出现了1mb的动态随机存取记忆体.


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美光64K 动态随机存取记忆体沙巴体育结算平台


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美光“We Do Windows”广告和美光1Mb 动态随机存取记忆体沙巴体育结算平台


Gurtej Sandhu,多领域发明家,IEEE. 格罗夫奖得主及高级. 研究员,在美光技术探路, 回想起动态随机存取记忆体的早期创新时代, “大约15年前,当我访问IBM沃森中心时, 主人带我去了登纳德的办公室. The office was kept open for visitors and in full working order and I was told that Dennard, 谁几年前退休了, 我还是每周来几小时. 讽刺的是,当时他发明了动态随机存取记忆体, there was more attention given to it by Intel which was looking for a lower cost replacement for SRAM. Lowering the cost of bits was critical to grow the capabilities of computer systems and Intel went to great lengths to design their processor chip to manage 动态随机存取记忆体 refresh and customize a system level architecture which established 动态随机存取记忆体 as an integral part of the modern computing revolution.”

Gurtej Sandhu
安德鲁S. 格罗夫奖得主
Sr. 研究员,在美光技术探路

沙巴体育结算平台, with the world’s most advanced 动态随机存取记忆体 process technology delivering major improvements in density, 功耗和性能.


Scott DeBoer指出, 微米 EVP of technology and products: “With a 40% improvement in 内存 density over our previous 1z 动态随机存取记忆体 node, this advancement creates a solid foundation for future product and 内存 innovation.”


例如, 这个节点使我们能够提供超高效的能源, reliable 内存 and faster low-power DDR5 (LPDDR5) operating speeds for platforms that require best-in-class LP动态随机存取记忆体 (low power 动态随机存取记忆体) performance. 该公司的LPDDR5基于1 α节点, 号称能节省15%的电能, allowing 5G mobile users to perform more tasks on their smartphones without sacrificing battery life.

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Sandhu补充道, “It is a lesson in history we should not forget as we embark on finding 内存 technology solutions of the future. A successful 内存 technology implementation will always require a system level approach to design computer architecture and software around it to extract the most benefits for the end customer.”

按照登纳德缩放法,动态随机存取记忆体一直在变得越来越小、越来越快. By 2002, 微米 was demonstrating the world’s first 1 gigabit DDR (Double Data Rate) 动态随机存取记忆体 product. 多年来, 我们继续引领动态随机存取记忆体创新, 从早期的PC 动态随机存取记忆体, 对图形, 到目前汽车专用内存的爆炸式增长, IoT(物联网)和AI(人工智能)设备.

快进到2021年, 当时美光发布了我们的1α (1-alpha)节点型动态随机存取记忆体沙巴体育结算平台, with the world’s most advanced 动态随机存取记忆体 process technology delivering major improvements in density, 功耗和性能.

Scott DeBoer指出, 微米 EVP of technology and products: “With a 40% improvement in 内存 density over our previous 1z 动态随机存取记忆体 node, this advancement creates a solid foundation for future product and 内存 innovation.”

例如, 这个节点使我们能够提供超高效的能源, reliable 内存 and faster low-power DDR5 (LPDDR5) operating speeds for platforms that require best-in-class LP动态随机存取记忆体 (low power 动态随机存取记忆体) performance. 该公司的LPDDR5基于1 α节点, 号称能节省15%的电能, allowing 5G mobile users to perform more tasks on their smartphones without sacrificing battery life.



Other applications include the industry’s first automotive LPDDR5 动态随机存取记忆体 that meets the most stringent 汽车 Safety Integrity Level (ASIL), ASIL D. 解决方案是 微米’s new portfolio of 内存 and storage products targeted for automotive functional safety based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 26262 standard.

今天, 美光继续走在动态随机存取记忆体发展的前沿, 随着2022年1β (1-beta)生产节点的发布, 每个芯片容量为16Gb,数据速率为8.5 gbps, delivering a 15 percent better power efficiency and upwards of a 35 percent bit density improvement. 在节点技术的早期应用中, 微米LPDDR5X on the 1 beta node will enable high-resolution 8K video recording and video editing in mobile phones.

微米1- β节点晶圆片


与此同时,美光 最近宣布 that our 1γ (1-gamma) 动态随机存取记忆体 process technology employs revolutionary extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography production. We will be the first semiconductor company to bring EUV technology for production to Japan and will ramp EUV into production on the 1γ (1-gamma) node in Taiwan and Japan in 2025.

罗伯特Dennard's innovation more than 55 years ago invigorated a burgeoning 内存 industry, 包括美光无与伦比的64k到1γ 动态随机存取记忆体的领先地位和进步.



Bill is a 30+ year veteran of the electronics and semiconductor 行业 having worked for 微米, Numonyx和英特尔. 他的工作范围涉及汽车行业, 国防, 工业, 网络, 客户端, 个人电脑和消费者. 他的经验从沙巴体育结算平台工程开始,然后转移到质量, 应用工程和市场营销. Bill currently works for 微米 and has the role of 市场ing Director in the Embedded Business Unit.